What manner of man would pimp his own grandson in a desperate attempt to win Black votes? As the whole wide world knows by now, mayoral candidate Scott Kincaid has an African American grandson. Kincaid has mailed out several literature pieces. In most, you see him with his arms around his Black grandson, and in one case, he did an entire piece featuring his grandson.

Obviously, the point he is trying to make is because he has a Black grandson he is somehow transformed into this super progressive white man without a racist bone in his body. Our history teaches us, however, that there are scores upon scores of white men who have birthed Black sons and daughters, and whose sons may have sowed his wild oats in the slave quarters giving him Black grandchildren. Usually, those sons or grandsons would be relegated to the slave quarters themselves and treated no different than other slaves in the quarters.

The fact is, having a Black grandson does not purge one of the racist tendencies. When you call an adult Black woman a child or a girl, those are racist slurs. When you imply you are going to show that same woman her place, or teach her a lesson, that is a racist statement. So even though you have a Black grandson, racism is still the order of the day. Where was his Black grandson on his literature pieces for 9th Ward City Council? For that election he was non-existent. I wonder why?

Folks we have to be aware this is just another campaign ploy on the part of Kincaid, one in which he is exploiting his own grandson to accomplish. He thinks we are idiotic enough to believe we will give a collective rave and say he must be alright. Don’t be fooled by this. He wants to take down your first duly elected Black woman mayor and he wants your help to get it done. As a matter of fact, he cannot do it without you!

So let’s stay the course. There will be a lot more lies and distortions coming your way during the final week of this campaign season. We must hang tough, circle the wagons, and repel this threat to our collective empowerment. Vote for Karen Weaver, Tuesday, November 7.

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